Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New series!

Appocalypse is the first book in a series. Saturday night, I was listening to music when I fell asleep and I had a dream. This dream was the first one in a long time. The dream was really weird and I got inspired by it. Now I am going to write a second series based on this dream I had. Here is the dream:

     I was in a New York City apartment and I saw something light up and it said "Season 1: _____" I thought it was for a tv show and then I realized that there was no channel on the ad. I went to investigate the area that was on the ad. When I got there, there was a group of people there already. I recognized the people from my building or the one across the street. I talked to them and asked what the ad was that I saw. They directed me through the group and to a dead body on the ground. Then I realized that the ad I saw was for a crime. Things like that kept happening for Seasons 2 and 3 then there was an ad for "Season 4: NYPD" this ad was across the street from me on two light-up golf clubs crossed in the air. I tried to wave to my friends across the street but they didn't see me. Then I saw people going up towards the golf clubs on ladders that came up from the ground. They turned off the golf clubs. The End.

That is the inspiration for my second series.

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