Saturday, December 5, 2015

Long Time No See

I presented my senior project which was Appocalypse on Monday November 30th, 2015. On this presentation I got a perfect score of 300/300! Now I can go back to writing it for fun! I have been working on The Beginning a lot recently and have been putting a lot of time into it. I am on page 37 now and on a chapter about Aeldit, wife of Kismi Lancker. Appocalypse is still on page 70 and at just over 15,000 words. The Beginning is just over 7,000 words long.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Updates on Both Books

The Beginning: I typed 9 pages in The Beginning today and I am now on page 32 of it. I made a species that each of the Pevrel children will have in the near future. The pet for each kid is as follows:

Tillota: Water horse, Dragon, Large-eyed rabbitfish (water)
Musko: Hellhound, Dragon, Salamander (fire)
Laudus: Golem, Dragon, Pika (earth)

Scamandius will possibly have one later, he wasn't going to originally because he wasn't at the Pevrel castle but that could change. If I do give Scamandius one, the element will be air which should be interesting.

Appocalypse: I am stuck on page 69 (no coincidence) I haven't been able to think of how to continue it. I need to resume work on it because I need to be at least close to finishing it this Fall or at the very latest next Spring (2016) since it is my graduation project. (Biggest mistake ever!)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Reading Appocalypse

If you want to read what I have of Appocalypse, I have it all here:

Appocalypse Progress!

Current Page: 69
Current Chapter: 11
Current Word Count: 14,369
Current Chapter Title: Floor 13, Again
Current Character Death Count: 2 (I think)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Short Stories

If you have ever heard of deviantart, I currently have three short stories on there that I wrote using a random first line generator. I think the one titled "Short Story 3" may turn into a book because I like the direction I'm going with it. I like the whole post-apocalyptic vibe that I get from it. This was the line I got from the generator, "Under normal circumstances he would speak his mind, but, with a gun against his head,". It so far has 506 words and is pretty good for a short story that I wrote in a few minutes. If you want to give my short stories and other writing a read, you can find it here:

Monday, April 20, 2015

Short Stories and DeviantArt

I have a DeviantArt account and I have started posting short stories on it. You can go and read those at I have two posted so far and am working on a third. This third short story is the reason for writing this post. Where I am going in this third story is really good so far so it might end up evolving into a book instead of just being a short story! That would be a third book to work on. It is very interesting so far so I'll post a sneak peek at the first paragraph:

     Under normal circumstances he would speak his mind, but, with a gun against his head, he did so anyway. He really didn’t care what happened next, he didn’t exactly enjoy where his life was going or anything so he just went ahead and spoke when he knew he shouldn’t have, “Where are you taking me?” He asked his captor carefully.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I'm so happy!

Last night, my school computer where I do my writing started acting funny and wouldn't boot up right. This morning I went to my school's IT people to get it fixed and they re-imaged the hard drive. I got it back and was glad I saved my books in Dropbox instead of on my computer. I will be back to writing soon!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Reading/Writing Friday is Almost Upon Us!

Tomorrow is Friday! I think I am going to work on Appocalypse which I am on page 65 of right now. I will work throughout school and also after Academic Decathlon practice when I get home. I probably won't be as successful as last week since I'm at my mom's house and I share a room with my brother who is really loud. I hope to finally get past page 65 though! I will post my status tomorrow after I am done writing!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

I need ideas

I would like ideas for short stories that I can write and submit to DeviantArt and possibly publish once I get a collection of them. I need your help for this, you have the power to do this!

Side note: If you give me an idea that I use and post or publish, I will give you credit for it!

Sideways note: Email me the ideas at

Friday, April 3, 2015

Writing/Reading Friday Update #1!

I started writing at 1:30pm Eastern Time and just finished at 3:00pm Eastern Time. That means I wrote for one and a half hours. I worked on The Beginning that whole time and got a lot of work done. If every Writing/Reading Friday goes like this, I will have these books done in no time! I'll just need to edit them after that and then publish them!

The Beginning: page 13 and chapter 2 (Scamandius), 2,678 words now!

Writing/Reading Friday!

I am going to start my "Writing/Reading Friday" at 1:30pm Eastern Time!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The First Writing Friday!

Since my school has an in-service day tomorrow, I think I can start a weekly tradition of writing every Friday for at least an hour. I also plan on reading for the same amount of time. I will call these "Writing/Reading Fridays".  Thursday nights, I will post where I am in the book so I don't have to try to remember after writing. I will then post an update Friday night saying which book(s) I worked on and where I am after writing.

Appocalypse: page 65

The Beginning: page 8

Quote Time!

This quote comes from The Beginning:

     “SCAMANDIUS PEVREL!” DanaĆ« shouts, her face turning red. “Just wait until your father and I are done discussing this situation!”

^dates (Updates)

I really need to think of what I can title these things besides "Updates" every time.

I had my mother read over what I had in Appocalypse over her vacation and I'm not sure if she read it or not. She hasn't told me anything yet so I have no idea if she read any of it. I hope she realizes that I need to have Appocalypse done by next year or I can't graduate. I am still on page 65 however, I need someone who has read it to nag me about writing more. I had someone in my Algebra 2 class last year read it as I wrote it and bother me about it until I wrote more. I need that again!

The Beginning map is going well, I don't remember where I was last time I wrote a post but I am now on page 8 and still going strong when I work on it. I am also having a book cover made for The Beginning by the same person who made the Appocalypse cover. The preview she sent me was looked pretty awesome except the sword blade was too thin and I thought it was too bright and shiny for medieval times. There's a castle in the background with the sword in the foreground, it looks awesome as it is except the sword needs some changes.

I need to play less games on my Xbox and Mac and work more on my books to get them done and edited so I can publish as soon as possible. I hope to publish them either sometime in 2016 or 2017, it will take a lot of work but it will be worth it. I think I'm going to publish on ebook devices first then possibly physical copies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Updates on both books!

News for The Beginning: I am still working on the map but I believe I am almost done with it. The current map is included below. I am going to get this done before I continue with the story which is on page 7 now. The Beginning is my primary focus until I know what to do with Appocalypse.

News for Appocalypse: I am stuck on page 65 and I am going to have my mother read over it to see where she thinks I can go and if my writing makes sense. I cannot present a 65 page "book" as my senior project next year because my goal was to have it completely done by then. I present next Fall or Spring! I am going to include a quote here said by Phinalia: "Where should we go from here?"

Monday, March 16, 2015


I have news!

I am on the bottom of page 65 at 13,595 words! Almost to 14,000 words! The group is finally reunited as well, that's good. I need to work faster because I have to present this next year so I can graduate high school. I regret making my senior project finishing an entire book, it was really unrealistic!

New book:
I recently caught up watching Game of Thrones and started the first book. It has inspired me to create a fantasy story! I am calling it The Beginning for now but will probably change that later as I get more into the story. I also created a map for the world in Photoshop and I am still adding to it but it looks good so far. I also have a list of the names I'm using for the series, these were harder to come up with than the names for Appocalypse so I used a generator and tweaked the names to my liking. I am currently on the first chapter in this book and I am already at 1,000 words!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Kinda off-topic

First I'll cover the stuff that has to do with Appocalypse:
I am on page 64, I know I am writing very slowly but it is a tough process. The person who was reading my book and motivating me to write faster is back to reading it!

Now for the off-topic stuff:
I took the PSAT in October and I got the results in December. Just Saturday, I received an email from Pratt University in Brooklyn, NY. When I got back to mom's house on Sunday, I was told I received mail from a college. I opened the mail and it was from Champlain College. I looked into Pratt and found that they didn't have Game Design which is what I want to do. I looked into Champlain and they have Game Design! They even made me a personal website! Here is their website:
Pratt was mostly art and architecture, stuff I'm not interested in at all:

(I am not advertising them, just letting you know who sent me emails or mail.)