Wednesday, December 17, 2014
I sent the first three chapters to SPBRA to see what they think of it. I really haven't worked on the book itself very much because I need some ideas. If you have any tips or anything feel free to let me know.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Website where I posted something
If you go to the link below you will see that I posted Appocalypse for a movie idea and I included all of the characters. You have the ability to suggest actors/actresses to play the characters along with who you think should be the Director, Writer and Composer. Appocalypse isn't done but I posted it and if I see that it gets enough support, I will try harder to get inspiration for it!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
New Page!
I'm on page 61 and there are currently 6 characters confirmed to be alive. There are 2 characters that we are unsure of, whether they are dead or alive is currently unknown.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Long time no see
I am on Chapter 10 page 60 and I have been taking a break so I can get more ideas and I have actually forgotten about this blog until just now. I will post whenever I work on Appocalypse.
Friday, August 15, 2014
General Update on Appocalypse
I am on page 57, chapter 9, and have 11,981 words. There have been some deaths, I'm not going to say how many or who. All I'm saying is that there has been some deaths. Hopefully I can get someone to edit it for me as I write it so they don't have to go through everything once I'm done.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Short story for a class
This is a short Sci-Fi piece I wrote for my writing class:
I am alone on our new Earth, I am the only one of my kind left. We have been on this new Earth for a century, one hundred years, and I am the last one. I try to blend in with everyone else but it is easier said than done. Everyone here is “perfect,” I am the only pure-breed human left in the universe. If I am discovered, I will be executed. On this new world, everyone is the same, there are still women and men though. Everyone works like clockwork, they do everything at the same time. There is no school, children are implanted with the knowledge they need at birth. With this implant, there is the virus that makes them act “perfect,” my parents removed the implant from me the day we got home after I was born. The virus is only in the body because the implant stops the antibodies from attacking it.
“HEY!” someone shouts at me, “Why are you wearing different clothes than me?”
I have no choice but to run, I run as fast as I can away from the man. I take turn after turn as I try to get as far away from him as possible. I run until I can’t run anymore, then I stop and walk into a room right near me and pull the door shut. “That was close,” I tell myself, “now, where am I?” I look around for a label or something telling me where I am, there is nothing. I crouch so that nobody can see me through windows and I walk around the room looking for something to tell me what room I am in. I finally find writing on the wall. It says DISCOVERY ROOM. I have no idea what that is for but the room looks abandoned, I’m guessing it was for discovering how to make us “perfect,” but honestly I have no idea. I turn on a small desk lamp and look for a clue as to what the “DISCOVERY ROOM” could’ve been used for. I see papers all over the place, I pick them up and start reading. “We have done it!” Who is we? “There is finally a virus that can make humans perfect!” I hate that word, “Perfect,” hate it. I continue reading, “The only problem is that it isn’t very stable and doesn’t last long in the human body,” this is getting weird, “we need to find a device that can keep the antibodies away from the virus as it multiplies.” These people have issues, why would they want to do this to their own kind?
I gather up as many papers as I can carry and hide them in my clothes. I walk back to my room and spread the papers out on my desk. I pick up one that has the most recent date on it and read, “…the only weakness with this device is that it can be deactivated with a weak magnet and then the person will return to normal and become flawed like humans once again.” Wow, looks like I need to find magnets that I can easily hide. I get right to work looking for magnets, first I check my refrigerator. There is a lot of magnets there, I collect them for something to do. I take the magnets and stick them to my hands so that I can deactivate devices in people. Then I realize that I don’t know where these devices are located. I go back to the papers and scan for one with the word “location” on it somewhere. I find it on one dated a few years ago. I read it, “These devices are going to be put into newborn babies’ backs, near the section of the immune system where antibodies are created,” BINGO! That is exactly what I needed. Now I just have to figure out where that is, good thing I have an interactive poster for the human body and where everything is. I tap on the tab labelled “Immune System,” and then look on the spine for where this “antibody creator,” is. I find it in the upper back between shoulder blades.
I walk out of my room and look for my first victim, I find myself staring at the man that saw me earlier. Good thing I changed into the “perfect” clothes while I was home. I walk up to him and give him a hug and apologize for earlier. Secretly, I deactivate his implant while in the hug. When I let go, he falls to the floor. I stand there thinking I just killed him when he suddenly sits straight up. He stands up and then says, “Thanks.”
“Why are you thanking me?” I ask, “I just gave you a hug and apologized.”
“I am free,” he says, “you freed me, now I can live how I want to.”
I am amazed it worked, “You’re welcome,” I say, “wanna know how I did it?”
“Of course I wanna know!” He shouts, “How did you do it?” He whispers that last part when he sees me motion to be quiet.
“I just used a refrigerator magnet and patted your back with it between your shoulder blades when I hugged you,” I tell him, “I read that even weak magnets put between your shoulder blades deactivate the device that makes you ‘perfect.’”
“Awesome!” He says, “Now I will go cure my wife and kids. Thanks for your help!” He runs off down the hall.
I yell after him, “You still have to wear those clothes like everyone else does or you’ll be executed!”
He hears me, “Thanks! It is definitely good you told me that!” He keeps running.
Time to go find more people to turn “normal” again. I set off jogging, looking for people that are still “perfect.” I run straight into a security guard and fall backwards, right on my back. He realizes I am on the ground and picks me up with one hand.
“What are you doing out at this time?” He asks, voice booming, “Do you even know what time it is?”
“I don’t have an idea of what time it is,” I say, hoping he didn’t hear me say, “don’t,” “would you please tell me?”
“Did I just hear you say, ‘don’t?’” He says, uh oh, he heard me, “It is 1 o’ clock in the afternoon, shouldn’t you be working?”
“I did not say that!” I shout, “Are you sure you heard me right?”
“I am pretty sure I heard you right,” he says, “anyway, shouldn’t you be working now?”
“No,” I say, “I don’t work, I refuse to. Can you please put me down and I’ll be on my way?”
“Sure thing!” He says a little too happily, “See you sometime.”
When I walk away, I pat him on the back and say, “Good job, sir.” He falls down and then goes through the same process as the other guy.
“Thanks, ma’am!” He says, voice booming through the halls.
“You still have to act like everyone else, otherwise you’ll get executed. Be careful and take care!” I tell him, “Try to turn other people using magnets, I have changed two people including you.”
I continue on running, something I shouldn’t do because “perfect” people don’t do that. I can’t find anyone to change back to normal. I keep running until I accidentally run into something very solid. I hit it and bounce off, landing on my backside. I look up and it is a very tall and muscular person. He is very intimidating and he doesn’t look happy about being run into. He picks me up by my shirt and takes me to the security office a short walk away from where he picked me up. I am immediately taken in for questioning. I am asked a lot of questions and then sent to a holding cell for the day.
The next day I wake up to someone staring at me from outside the bars of the cell, they don’t look ecstatic about letting me out. Hopefully that’s what it is.
“You are going on a little adventure today,” he tells me, “I can’t tell you where you’re going, but I can say you will not enjoy it.”
“Just what I needed to know on a Monday morning,” I say smartly, “thanks for letting me know.”
“Speaking of which,” he says, “here is your welcome committee.”
There is at least ten people out there, I don’t know how they will take me wherever I am going. One of them comes back to the head security officer that just talked to me and says something I can’t hear.
Then the person from my ‘Welcome committee’ says, “We’ll take ‘em now.”
I am released from the cell and handcuffs are put on me, I am then put in the middle of the ten people. There are four people on each side of me and one on each end, each of them are so tall that I can’t see out and nobody can see in.
After a long walk, we arrive in what everyone calls, “The Robot House.” I am told it is a place where they turn people into robots that help keep everyone under control. I am released from the handcuffs and put onto a very fast conveyor belt that is running through what looks like an assembly line. I try to run off of the conveyor belt but it is too fast for me. I try to get out from the sides but when I get close, a tall gate shoots out of the floor. I decide that resistance is futile and that I will die here so I sit down and wait for it to happen. I get to the first of the machines and it cuts off both of my arms. The next machine cuts off my legs. Well, this is all my life has lived up to, getting cut into pieces by some strange robot-making slaughterhouse, just my luck.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
I have ended chapter 7 on page 49, pretty coincidental since I finished it in my Math class. The math room's number is also 49, Chapter 7 seems very full of coincidences. I don't really believe in coincidences because of some of the books I've read, I believe that everything happens for a reason and that coincidences are just things that are supposed to happen. Chapter 8 is titled "The Mystery".
Quote: “On here,” Phinalia responds, “it is white with black and gray specks on the butt of it.”
Quote: “On here,” Phinalia responds, “it is white with black and gray specks on the butt of it.”
New Series Title!
The title of my new series of short stories is "Seasons of Crime" all of the stories will be in this one book. I am on page 6 and I have 1293 words, which is a lot for the second day of typing, at least for me. It is very challenging to work on Appocalypse and Seasons of crime at the same time because Appocalypse is written like it is currently happening and Seasons of Crime is written like it has already happened. Very confusing for me to go back and forth between the two.
New series update
Looking at what I have typed for my new series I think I am going to change something. Since they are a crime genre, I think I am going to make them into a series of short stories that may get published before Appocalypse does since they are shorter. The hard part about these stories is that they are going to be in the past tense and I usually write in the present tense. It'd be great if you guys could comment what you think of this change.
10,000 words!
Now I am at 10,074 words! I made it past 10,000 words! When I am done with the book it will probably be past 100,000. That might be too much or too little, I honestly don't know at this point because I haven't planned out how the book will end let alone what will happen next.
Excerpt from where I am writing now:
“Zilck, why do you have to be like this? Always so difficult,” I tell him, “I’m sorry about that. Now, how do you get to the gun! Please tell me.”
Excerpt from where I am writing now:
“Zilck, why do you have to be like this? Always so difficult,” I tell him, “I’m sorry about that. Now, how do you get to the gun! Please tell me.”
Writing Yesterday
I am now on page 46 and I am at 9,885 words. Almost 10,000 words!! I wrote a lot while I was in History yesterday but while I was writing, since my history teacher has something so she can watch what we are doing on our laptops, she called out my name because I was writing my book. Others in my class were working on their final exam study guides (which are optional) and the study guides were on our computers and we could type our answers right onto them. The weird part was that all she did was call out my name, nothing else.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Beginning of my new series! (Excerpt)
This is the first paragraph:
I woke up in my New York City apartment at my usual time, 7 o’clock on the dot. I wake up that time every morning, no matter what. It seemed like a normal day so far. I got a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, then gathered my things for the day and headed out the door to go to work. I walk to work everyday for the fun of it and for the exercise. I really enjoy a morning walk in New York, the feeling is great. I usually get to work around 7:30am, but this day was different, someone that I never saw before stopped me on the street.
New series!
Appocalypse is the first book in a series. Saturday night, I was listening to music when I fell asleep and I had a dream. This dream was the first one in a long time. The dream was really weird and I got inspired by it. Now I am going to write a second series based on this dream I had. Here is the dream:
I was in a New York City apartment and I saw something light up and it said "Season 1: _____" I thought it was for a tv show and then I realized that there was no channel on the ad. I went to investigate the area that was on the ad. When I got there, there was a group of people there already. I recognized the people from my building or the one across the street. I talked to them and asked what the ad was that I saw. They directed me through the group and to a dead body on the ground. Then I realized that the ad I saw was for a crime. Things like that kept happening for Seasons 2 and 3 then there was an ad for "Season 4: NYPD" this ad was across the street from me on two light-up golf clubs crossed in the air. I tried to wave to my friends across the street but they didn't see me. Then I saw people going up towards the golf clubs on ladders that came up from the ground. They turned off the golf clubs. The End.
That is the inspiration for my second series.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
2nd series idea!
Since Appocalypse is going to be the first book in a series there will be other books after it. I am hoping to mainly write series and so I would need an idea for a second series. The other day in my math class I came up with an idea that I think I could use. I wrote the idea in my bookmark which is a folded notecard. The idea was as follows: What if humans had too much imagination? All I really wrote was as follows: Too much imagination?
I think I could make a series out of that idea. What do you guys think of that idea? Please comment and let me know what you think!
I think I could make a series out of that idea. What do you guys think of that idea? Please comment and let me know what you think!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Easter Update and Quote!
Well, I haven't worked on Appocalypse very much lately but I thought you might like the quote I am including with this post. One of my friends in my math class in encouraging me to write more because she is reading it as I am writing it. She likes it so far, which is good because I didn't really think many people would like it. Ok, quote time!:
“Welcome to our safe house, my name is Likine and this is my husband Yeton, we have lived here for about twenty years,”
This is when 2 new characters are introduced in chapter 3, on page 16!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
I started Chapter 7 yesterday, that means Chapter 6 is only about 5 pages long. I think Chapter 6 is the shortest chapter I have and Chapter 5 is the longest, so far. Recently, I also wrote a 5 page sci-fi piece for one of my high school classes. It is pretty good, I got a 96 out of 100 for it or a 96%.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
On page 44 as of right now. Also, I am in French class this time of day. Also, I am still in chapter 6. Izak and Zilck are not getting along very well anymore and only one character has officially died in the entire book as of now.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Saved my life
I opened my computer and brought up Appocalypse. I got a notification saying that my startup disk was almost full and pressed enter to get rid of it but instead it added spaces into Appocalypse. I clicked to close the notification and it closed so I undid everything I accidentally did to Appocalypse. I went to save it and it told me the document was locked. I couldn't find a way to unlock it and then I tried saving again and it said Not Saved. I exported it as a Pages '09 document and then reopened it and upgraded it to the new Pages and now I can edit it again! YAY!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
General Update and quote!
I broke 9,000 words today, I am in Chapter 6 and the group has been split up. Zilck does not know where he is and neither does the rest of the group.
Quote from book: “Well, then there is no way to help you,” Izak tells me, “good luck kid.”
Quote from book: “Well, then there is no way to help you,” Izak tells me, “good luck kid.”
Monday, April 7, 2014
Fast typing and update.
The other day I typed for 5 minutes and ended up typing 126 words. Since Appocalypse is my senior project, I need to work on it for 40 hours and I had 2 hours and 55 minutes worked on it and so I typed for 5 minutes so I had an even 3 hours worked on it. Now, I need 37 more hours and I can present!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
New Youtube channel
I have a Youtube channel for my Minecraft videos and the URL for it is
Since I have been a member of DeviantArt since last month I posted the Prologue of Appocalypse on there along with a short story of mine and some of my creature drawings. I am going to start taking commissions for short stories on there as soon as I get home. The commissions are going to be $1 USD each.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Chapter 6 and life updates
Chapter 6 has finally been started on! I started it yesterday but didn't post it because I had other things to do. I uploaded a Minecraft video to my Youtube channel, if you want to view/subscribe just go to Youtube and search "ExplorerMC" without the "" and it should show up.
Business Card
When I got my book cover made I also got a business card made by the same person and I just recently found it again in my email. So here it is:
Monday, March 31, 2014
Short update post!
I just added a few paragraphs to Appocalypse and in those few paragraphs I introduced a new device. I will NOT say what that device is, all I will say is that it will become very useful to the characters.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
I have someone on Deviant Art making a map of the Planet for me, I hope it is done soon so I can post it on this blog. I also posted on Planet Minecraft for a 3-player survival map based on Appocalypse! I haven't gotten a response from that post yet.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
I am currently on page 36 of Appocalypse, I have added page numbers in a font I downloaded called "Space Age" it looks pretty cool I will include a screen shot of it. I have 7,697 words, I saw something where a lot of Science Fiction novels have over 100,000 words! That means I have a while to go until I am done with Appocalypse.
Here is the screenshot as promised!

Monday, March 24, 2014
Plans for Appocalypse
Once Appocalypse is published there will be some things done with it. Since I want to be a video game designer primarily, I will make a video game for Appocalypse. I want to be a video game designer and an author on the side. That way, whenever I write a book I can make a video game for it after it is published. Then maybe Appocalypse will become a movie, and that would just be AWESOME!!
Friday, March 21, 2014
I am on page 35 of Appocalypse and I am currently at 7,523 words. I am still in Chapter 5, I do not know how long my chapters should be but right now they are an average of a few pages, not more than 10 pages for any of them. That might change later.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
I just typed more of Appocalypse, I was about halfway on page 25 and now I am on page 29 and there has been a lot of action in those 3-4 pages. You will not be able to put the book down during that part, it is a very action packed section of the book.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Plans after I publish Appocalypse
After I publish Appocalypse I plan to make a video game for it since I want to be a video game designer. Then I will write the 2nd book in the series, if there is one. Once again I do not know how many books will be in the series or if there will be a series. It might end up being a single book. I am hoping to make it a series of 4 or 5 books but I am unsure of the number for now. If I make enough money from e-reader versions, which will come first, I will print physical copies that readers like me will like. I don't really like e-readers but I do like physical books because I can smell the book smell and I can feel the pages.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Name for time repairers
The name of the people that travel through time fixing it is going to be announced in this post.
They are the Mite Rold, and they are in Chapter 5
They are the Mite Rold, and they are in Chapter 5
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Update on "new" characters
I have introduced people that go around and repair time into Appocalypse, I will not reveal what chapter that is in but I think you will enjoy what the story becomes with them being introduced. It should be exciting, I honestly don't know what is going to happen because I don't plan it, the characters tell me what is happening. That means however much you ask me to give you spoilers I physically can't.
Monday, March 3, 2014
General Update
I am on Chapter 5, Page 25, 5,052 words! Appocalypse is also now my senior project which I have to do to graduate high school.
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